this is downright excellent. a lot of online animations seem to neglect to tell a complete story and you do so and make it slightly affecting as well (which I'm a big fan of). I clicked because of your art style too, which is refined and functional (I'm not a character design man, it isn't my personal strong strength, but I'd like to think I know it when I see it. what I'm saying is it's good).
this was a really good short and I am excited to see more from you. your animation was very simple but felt just right, like it served the designs and bg's and colors (which also were great) very well. a very specific note of mine: I like your use of a wider, more cinematic aspect ratio! not enough people play around with that stuff, and I feel it helps tell the story here, which is the best thing it can do.
sorry for rambling but this was super good and I loved it.