i think a large part of my dislike for this is that the lines seem oddly structured. the timing is very strange. that's not to say this awful, it's still more original than half the stuff i see here. but i'll agree with other commenters: it does seem very, very boring, and if that was your point and the whole thing is a giant meta-joke, then you've succeeded. this isn't to put you down - i'm not here to do that. this appears to be your first animation here, so maybe you've just got to get a few more going.
also, it's very long. you make the stuff you want to see, and if it is 9 minutes long, then by all means. i've got a few ideas for animations that are upwards of 10 minutes and beyond. but if it is structured like this, then it may have a hard time receiving an audience. this is, of course, all just opinion. i certainly don't want you offended by any of this... i've had enough internet trolls. i hope you take this comment with the heart it was written with.